iSB Group Blog

Want to boost productivity? Get comfortable…

Written by iSB Group | Apr 6, 2020 12:58:46 PM

The phrase “getting comfortable” has come to be seen as negative when applied to the workplace, suggesting that the word “comfort” in this context has become synonymous with complacency and a lack of productivity.


But, far from it, studies show that making your employees comfortable could actually be a way of boosting your business’s bottom line.

Why is this? Here are just a few reasons…

Uncomfortable is unproductive

Discomfort is a distraction. Uncomfortable clothing or footwear, ill-fitting hand protection, or a work environment that is either too hot or too cold can all slow employees down and distract them from the job at hand. They can also contribute to workplace accidents, which can cost businesses dearly in legal costs and lost manpower.

Comfort is caring

A business that invests in the comfort of its employees is showing these employees that it cares. In turn, studies have shown that employees who feel looked after and valued repay their employers with increased engagement, and by working harder and smarter. Employees who are engaged with what they are doing take the safety and well-being of themselves, and that of those around them, more seriously. They are more likely to follow safety rules, resulting in fewer accidents.

Being comfortable makes you happy

A comfortable workforce is a happy workforce, and a happy workforce works harder. High morale also fosters a positive company culture which will filter through to your customers, improving their experience and encouraging their loyalty.

And being happy? Well that improves just about everything…

Increased performance and creativity

When someone is happy in their job, they become passionate about what they’re doing and are motivated to get work done efficiently and to a high standard. They take pride in giving and achieving their best, without necessarily expecting a reward. If you’re not sure, try asking a selection of your workforce to help you solve a current issue. If morale is high, your employees will reward you with focus, energy and creativity.

Less absenteeism

Unexpected absenteeism can be very costly to a business and, when morale is low, employees may look for any excuse to skip a day’s work. When this happens, the rest of the workforce has to work harder in order to cover the shortfall – which negatively affects their morale. Happy employees will be less likely to take time off in case it negatively affects the team.

High staff morale isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s essential to companies’ survival in today’s challenging business environment. The safety and well-being of its staff has a direct impact on a business’s profitability. To find out more about how you can keep your employees happy, read our blog 6 ways to keep your most valuable employees. But, before you start working to make them happy, first ask yourself the question: are they comfortable?

To find out more about how you can raise the bar of safety and well-being, please give us a call on 0121 749 4433.